Artist, Designer, Bon Vivant.
Artist, Designer, Bon Vivant.
Arboreal Portraiture - Large scale portraits of trees in oils and acrylics.
Since 2003, after a creative awakening on Palatine Hill in Rome, I have been painting portraits of trees as a creative connection to ancient wisdom. I primarily study the Monterey Cypress which can mainly be found in the Monterey/Big Sur area, a spiritual home for many including myself.
The emotional connection between people and nature goes back as far as the history of art itself. I seek to update the visual language by which we convey this relationship through painting, such that contemporary audiences can appreciate its profound power in a new way.
While my work is not religious I am inspired and challenged by the spirituality of nature and the nature of spirituality. While I have been painting my whole life it is only for these last 10 years that I have been studying the process of transforming canvas and paint into a meditative experience. The exclusive use of trees for this exploration provides an archetypal subject and frees my imagination to focus on the translation of this ancient wisdom into graphic form.